Suicide - It should be seen with passion or not, I do not
know. If a man is helpless, then he can kill himself, that's actually not known
to any of us. We do not even know how bad a man dies, without fighting.
We have a very strange habit. We mean, Bengalis like to see
sympathy. Our respect for such a person who wears the most in our relatives, if
such a person dies, increases. And who could not cry, his love is suspected. If
the husband dies, if the wife does not cry - some people think that the woman
would marry another, otherwise she had a stranger!
If the sister dies, if the brother does not cry - some
people think - that brother does not cry for joy to get the property! When the
parents die, the child will cry and cry to the children to ask for help. When
the child dies, the mother will be like crazy - that is the way of our society.
Those who try to find happiness, without regard to themselves, are criminals,
they actually know the abnormal or ill-mentality.
'If you have ever wanted to die or have lost so much - in
the situation where you would like to die?' If I can research on this question,
I bet that 99 percent of the people will answer 'yes'.
Suicide is a kind of mental illness. Self-harming tendency
or self-harming mentality, we call it the main reason for suicide, but there is
a huge difference between self-harm tendencies and suicides.
The tendency of self-harm can once again lead to suicidal
tendencies. But it will not be. Psychiatrists say that suicidal tendencies are
not made overnight. It has been in humans for a long time. The people who
repeatedly tried to kill themselves in any failure lost control.
It may be seen, that in the short story, the person does not
have any interest. Suicide is a kind of abnormal emotional state - sometimes a
person can not control himself, that person does not even have to talk to
anyone about this matter.
I often think that we do not know to take care of the mind.
Sexually transmitted diseases can speak openly, but there is no cost to our
mind's disease. We want to hide any mental problems that are tangible.
If someone ever wants to talk about himself, take it in one
sentence - he's going crazy. There can be sadness in being mad or emotional problems;
there is nothing to enjoy or to talk to someone else that too is very important
for us.
The status of suicide on Facebook is now very noticeable.
The main reason for this trend can be - sympathy, and your campaign. After the
suicide - the headline of the news paper will be live, live on the news
channel, the big status will be written on Facebook, a virtual event will
happen, a port folio will be created....
But then?
Competition era, There is no time in our hands. Due to these
live telecast and headlines of the magazine, the heroine of the night heroes is
passionately interested in an immature man. We also make the suicide victims
weak, helpless and innocent and make it happen that such a detrimental job is
getting permissible.
If the person who fails to solve his problem, who has no
love for him, if we make the issue, then what is the future of this society, we
also need to think more about it.
Excessive adoration or rule of the child, not being able to give
the value of one's personal freedoms, unwillingness to engage in ego and
outrage can lead to something unwanted. Suicide does not deserve any
commendation, if we fail to convey our next generation, then we have to pay the
feeble of this failure.